You must verify that you are over 18 years old to enter this site
You must verify that you are over 18 years old to enter this site
Code of Practice: Please make sure to review our Code of Practice before making your submission.
Pitching: You are welcome to pitch your content idea to us before you write or produce it. Agreeing to the idea doesn’t guarantee the publishing of the end result. It all depends on the quality of the material submitted.
Content: We only publish original content, not previously published anywhere else, including your own site or blog. (PS: This condition doesn’t apply to artworks, but only to articles and videos).
Topics: We accept content in the categories which you can see in the “Contents” section of our website.
Recommended Articles Length: 500 to 2000 words. Kindly structure your writing by using subtitles and short paragraphs. Highlight quotes from your article which we can use to promote it. When sending images to accompany your article, make sure to send all corresponding photo credits, and please only send high quality pictures. Also include sources to substantiate your insights where needed, with external links to the information.
Recommended Videos Length: 1 to 5 minutes.
Internal Linking: Link to jasadmedia.org’s previously published articles related to the same subject where applicable.
Images: We encourage authors of articles to include images as part of the submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use images and/or any other material from outside sources. As previously stated, if you include images with the article, they must be of high quality and come with source citations. Only use images for which you have permission or which are in the public domain.
Edits: We reserve the right to edit the content you submit, whether by correcting it or cutting down its length, but always preserving the essence of your work and respecting its content and ideas.
Identification: All submissions should be accompanied by the author’s/ video maker’s/artist’s full name, as well as at least one of her/his SM accounts. Kindly note we do not accept pseudonyms at Jasadmedia.org.
Terms of Agreement
How to Submit
To send articles, or for any other type of query kindly address your email to info@jasadmedia.org